If you are into a bit of drama and a little bit of mystery then this might just be the book for you. The main character in this book is a girl called Laura and after her dad leaves her and her mum they instantly become closer than most families.  But when Laura finds her mums old diary and can’t resist reading a couple of pages, she unravels all of her mums secrets and a dark secret which she wished that she had never uncovered.

Sophie Gilmore

By Jeremy
I'm reviewing a book called Fire Bringer (from David Clements), this book is about a deer called Rannoch who's father gets killed on the day he was born, this book tells you about how Rannoch grows up and leaves his home to find information about his birth. 
Fire Bringer is full of twists and I recommend it to anyone who likes adventurous books. 

By Anissa
The Power of one is a very emotional and inspirational book based on a boy called Peekay; an English and South African boy who recounts his life from the age of 5 - 17 growing up during WW2 in South Africa.

The story starts off after Peekay's mother has a nervous breakdown and he is sent off to be raised by a Zulu wet nurse; She becomes his nanny.
At the age of 5, Peekay is sent to an Afrikaans boarding school where the older boys bully him endlessly.

His sense of cheeky humour and his hero- like personality makes him a very likeable character.
He is not a self-righteous hero. He is distinguished by the traits of extreme generosity and love for all people; He is never judgemental.

Peekay owns a pet chicken called Granpa Chook. He was a gift to Peekay from Inkosi-Inkosikazi. Granpa chook is Peekay's only friend in the hostile environment of the school. He becomes the Matron's “Cockroach Cleaner.” He stands up for Peekay when The Judge (The head bully.) trys to make Peekay eat human faeces; He defecates into The Judge's mouth. The Judge gets his revenge by killing Granpa Chook, pelting him with stones. Peekay gives Granpa Chook a final burial and at the end of the book, he avenges Granpa Chook by beating up The Judge.

Ketchup Clouds By Annabel Pitcher
By Tali Doull
‘Zoe’ has done something awful and has gotten away with it. She feels like the guilt is eating her alive so she decides to confess to someone who wouldn’t judge her mistake, someone who knows what it is like to commit a crime, someone like a prisoner….

This book is written in letter format. ‘Zoe’ is confessing what awful thing she has done to a prisoner pen pal, who has done something so terrible himself, he is about to be given the lethal injection. It is a romance/ thriller that will take your breath away and leave you wanting more.

by Peri Bickley

Secrets is a book about two young girls named India & Treasure, Treasure is a girl who is always hit at home by her dad she decides to run away with her grandma where she meets a over weight girl named India who at the time had never had friends although they are completely different they become great friends but when Treasures mum wants Treasure to come home against her will India and Treasure make up a secret way to keep the two girls together although their plan might work at first they didn’t think about what consequences might come along with it and end up in a lot of trouble not only with people they know.

This book is a fun read that is suitable for ages 8 and up it keeps you entertained the whole way through and has a great story line to it I would rate it a 8/10 and would recommend it to 9WRA as well as all her other books.

by Jack Breurkes

A policy I have is to always read the first page of a book to decide whether I should read it or not. If I find the first page gripping, I know that the book is for me. I tried this with GONE, and for the first time I broke my own rule. I ended up reading for ten minutes while my friend who had recommended it to me sat on his bed, playing on his DS. I asked him if I could borrow it and he told me that I could, and seeing as it was the first book in a six part series, I am still reading the third book.

What appealed to me about this book was the fact that it is an adventure/thriller book, but nobody actually goes very far. The reason for this is that a large dome (20 miles side-to-side) has encased the unfortunate town of Perdido beach, the nuclear power plant and various other locations and to make matters worse, animals have been evolving at extreme speeds, half of the residents have super powers and everyone over the age of 15 has mysteriously disappeared. And what exactly do all of these problems equal?

The answer; a really great book.

Island of the blue dolphin
By Justine Lee
I really liked the book 'Island of the Blue Dolphin'. I think the story is quite different to the usual books I read but very interesting. 

‘Island of the Blue Dolphin’ by Scott O’Dell tells a true story about a young girl who, after being abandoned by her tribe, battles alone to survive on a deserted, uncivilised island.

I liked everything about this book except that the end was sad and a bit unsatisfactory. A touching book, the reader learns what it is like to survive in the wild without help like the main character, Karana, had to.

I would recommend this book to people who are interested in books about survival.

My favorite book is Dairy of a wimpy kid-Rodrick rules. 
by Eddie Wu
There're 6 books in total, they're all Greg Heffley's (the main character) dairy. I like Rodrick rules the best ,because it's very humorous. Grey is a 13 years old High school student just like us, at the beginning of High school, he always do some embarrassing that make us laugh out loud. He also had a 18 years old brother called Rodrick, they don't get on well. Grey often get bullied by his brother, but at the end of this book, one small incident rebuild their relationships, they become like brothers. Dairy of a wimpy kid are also made into movies. Rodrick Rules is a fantastic book and it suit us very well.

Running Wild Written By Michael Morpurgo
By Sam Burt

This book is about a young boy called Will. He is around 12 years old and his Dad is currently at war. He is finding it difficult to cope, wondering whether his Dad will survive the war.  Will and his mother decide to take one month off school so they can have some time to themselves, and they decide to go on a holiday to Thailand. During their holiday, Will gets the opportunity to ride an elephant. He is riding on the elephants back as it walks along the beach when the elephant takes off deep into the jungle as a Tsunami is spotted out in the ocean. Will and the elephant are forced to stick together in order to survive what is lurking in the jungle. This is a story of the friendship between a boy and an elephant as they stand by each other to find food, water and shelter.

I loved this book because I enjoy adventurous books and a little humour. It is very descriptive and the author leaves you with no choice but to read more at the end of every chapter. This book takes you into another world. After reading a few chapters in bed, I often lay there thinking of what might happen next.

If you have read books about fighting for survival in places such as jungles, deserts, oceans etc. then you will like this book.

By Cheena Rae

This novels tittle is: lock and key, by Sarah Dessen.it is mostly kind of 'teenage drama/romance'. The main character in the book is a teenage girl named ruby.  She's  very independent and is used to relying no one but her self ,because, well, her life is complicated. Everything changes when her mum suddenly vanishes and Ruby is sent to live with her older sister Cora. Once again, this is complicating. Now Ruby's living in a great  new house and is sent to a private school and for once, it seems like for once, she has a future. PLUS there's the cute, kind  boy Nate living next door. Everything should be perfect. But why is Ruby wary? Why is  Nate keeping his distance? Ruby realises that sometimes, in order to save yourself, you have to reach out to someone.........
I loved this book!!!! its very emotional and i think it is very meaningful.
i recommend this book to any one that loves a good emotional book that you cant get your head out of!

By Sally Hill

Tomorrow when the war began is written by John Marsden and there are several books.

When a teenage girl named Elli Linton and a group of friends set out on an adventure into the outback of Australia to explore. They are having the time if their lives in the brush they have named Hell. When return to find that their town has been invaded, they then set out to try and save their families, the town and try to stop the enemy advancing. During the war they face many challenges that cost hundreds lives, from their side and the enemies side.
I like the tomorrow when the war began series because it shoes courage and bravery from young people and is well written. It is also a movie that is really good!

The Sisters Club- Rule of Three

By Megan McDonald Reviewed by 
Claudia Cassidy
If you like chick flicks then this is probably a good book for you to read!
This book isn’t exactly very challenging for a year 9 level but it is quite a cute little story!

In this short book there are 3 sisters, a vivacious sister, a Shy sister and a studious sister. In a way this book is like a chapter of these 3 sisters lives. It goes through the normal sister fights, trying to out-do each other and experiencing finding your way around the world. It teaches us that everyone is special and that you don’t have to try to impress people because if they are true friends they will love and like you for who you naturally are inside and out.
For more on this book check it out!

Cirque Du Freak
by Sarang Roberts
I love books about vampires. This is one of the greatest books I've ever read. Once I started reading Cirque Du Freak, I could not put the book down, and I finished reading it within a few hours. It was THAT good! Darren Shan has written the book really well. The storyline is fascinating and every word of it is really interesting. This is a really good fantasy book.
Cirque Du Freak is about two boys who become obsessed with the travelling freak show Cirque Du Freak and its dark secrets. Darren Shan and Steve Leonard, two ordinary teenagers, have their lives changed forever. When Steve receives two tickets to be able to go see the freak show Cirque Du Freak, he tells Darren, and that's when their adventure starts. Venomous spiders, vampires and even more chaos! But when things go totally wrong Darren must decide between two things. The life of his friend or the life of his own.
If you like fantasy books or books about vampires, then you'll definitely love this book! It is an amazing book to read, I enjoyed it very much.

By Rochelle Kim
The main characters in this story are Emily (or Em for short), Vita, Maxie, Mum and Dad)

On Christmas day everyone was in the lounge after their big breakfast and Em went into the kitchen where her dad was cleaning the dishes. She heard him say “I will leave them after Christmas and join you.”

Em was really shocked about this news.
Dad leaves home and left everyone alone with grandma.

What is going to happen to their family? Are they going to reunite or are they going to stay home without a father?
Read this book to find out more

By Michelle Kim
This book is bout a girl named Beauty (She hates her name) all the confident snooty girls at her school makes fun of her name and teases her horribly.

Her father has a fierce rage when one little thing goes wrong. Beauty and her mother has to live in fear of their father/husband.

Beauty's father works at a place called happy homes. If they break one rule in the house he would go rage. 

When Beauty asks for something silly for her birthday like a pet her dad starts going purple and starts yelling. When Beauty has a party her only friend Rhona gets her a rabbit the party starts getting out of hand and her dad does something really terrible to her rabbit (Birthday) Beauty and her mum longed to run away and has finally been brave enough.

Will Beauty and her mother (Who can not cook) cope moving, will they have to come back or will they start new better life?

by Adam
Escape is a book that I plan to read it is about stories about escapes from prisons like Alcatraz. 
It is based on true stories a gannets all odds through blood sweat and tears of the prisoners trying to escape also in the book has notes and line drawings of maps of the prison like the where the cells are and the dining halls the reason that I am interested in this type of book is that I am quite interested in mysteries like plane crashes and murders.

Olivia Leonard
My Sister's Keeper revolves around the Fitzgerald family. Kate is the eldest child, 16 years old, and was diagnosed with a rare form of leukaemia at the age of two. After many failed attempts at finding a suitable donor for Kate, Sarah and Brian, her parents, decide to have a specially designed child whose genes were made so that he/she could donate whatever Kate needed. Then, Anna was born. At 13 years of age, when her mother decides that she will donate her sister a kidney, Anna decides to file a lawsuit to be medically emancipated - she is suing her parents for the rights to her own body.
This novel is across two weeks, from the points of view of Anna, Sarah, Brian, Jesse (the brother), Campbell (Anna's attorney) and Julia (the GED). Interestingly, we don't receive Kate's point of view until the end, and Sarah's narrative is staged mainly in flashbacks.
My Sister's Keeper is a deeply moving novel on one of the most sensitive issues known to mankind. A novel which will definitely cause tears.

By Geena' A tree grows in Brooklyn'
A tree grows in brooklyn is a classic american novel and It is a come of age genre. This book is about girl called Brooklyn. She struggles to make friends and fit in with the other kids while a tree grows inside her. When she finally comes out and reveals her tree, people see her who she is and and not who she is pretending to be, and she is finally accepted into clicks.  The rising action is that Brooklyn gets fed up with the tree and and is getting big and a hassle to carry around and this leads her to attempting to get rid of the tree. The forest becomes angry at Brooklyn for not accepting the tree and trying to get rid of it and wants her to leave it alone. This book is a great book which keeps you thinking and makes you think of things deeper. I give this book a 4/5

The Demonata
By Marijke Cooper
Lord Loss sows all the sorrows in the world. Lord Loss seeds the grief starched trees. In the centre of the web, low Lord Loss torments the dead.

This series follows Grubbs (Grubistich) Grady, Kernel (Cornelius) Fleck and Bec MacGregor.. When demons cross Bec must pay the ultimate price to save humanity. When demons kill Grubbs’ family he must learn of the horrible curse that stains his blood. When Kernel’s little brother is taken he will do anything to get him back. There are no such things as happy endings.
In the centre of the web, lush Lord Loss is all that’s left.

Adeline grew up in china in the 1930's a very unlucky child. Because her 
mother died when she was born, she was emotionally and physically abused 
by her three brothers and big sister throughout her childhood due to the fact 
that they saw her as bad luck and despised her for 'killing' their mother. 
Their father's remarrying had the Adeline and her siblings in stress when 
they were maltreated whilst their new half brother and half sister were 
spoiled. She longed for equality and recognition in the great things she 
achieved, especially from her father. 
This story is a drama/adventure because adeline tried endlessly to survive 
her childhood and gain the love and respect of her family. Based on the true 
life story of the author, Adeline Yen Mah, the book structure provides a 
thrilling and page turning journey for the reader and helps us look beyond 
the eyes of a girl who suffered so much at such a young age. 

By Jungwon Jo
I, Coriander
My favourite book of all time is ‘I, Coriander’. The reason why is because it is full of description and creative writing and on top of that, it is fantasy and adventure. This book is about a girl that is named Coriander and lives right next to the river Thames in London. Coriander starts an adventure she cannot stop when she slips on a pair of silver shoes from an anonymous person. Her mother insists that she must not have them, while she herself insists she must.Soon after this her mother dies of illness making her father re-marry.Eventually, her father gives into the glimmering shoes and hands them causing her world to fall downhill.

It all starts to slowly change, a thread that never ends, but as a death draws nearer, there is another question to answer. Whose is it? (read the book to find out for yourself)

By Kieron
Point Blanc is the second book in the Alex rider series by Anthony Horowitz. Is an action filled book about a boy spy that works on the odd occasion for MI6. He gets sent to a boarding school for the troubled sons of wealthy men called Point Blanc on the Swiss- French border. But when he gets there he finds that there is no way out and that Point Blanc has some deadly secrets.

I personally like it because it is well written and though the story line can feel pretty shallow at times you can always rely on Anthony Horowitz to put a twist  in when you least expect it.

I think this book is very much a young teens book, admittedly I read it when I was nine, but having said that I think it could possibly appeal to an older group or readers.

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
By Matt

If you like adventure books you will love this one. The whole book is based around the theory of Greek gods and how they have kids with mortals. The main character is a boy named Percy Jackson who discovers he is a demigod (half boy half god) and finds his way to a camp where demigods are trained to fight monsters. He soon discovers that he is the son of Poseidon and that he can control water and breathe in it. Zeus’s master bolt goes missing and Zeus blames Percy so Percy sets out on a quest to retrieve the bolt to prove that he did not steal the bolt.  

 If you read this book you will learn interesting things about Greek gods. And the 1 or 2 twist in the story add to the book.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    March 2013

