The best place to be on Waitangi day is in The Bay Of Islands. Out on the water I can see boats dancing along the ocean. People are on the beach building sandcastles and eating ice-cream. The smell of the seawater starts tugging at my nose, as I dangle my legs of the side of the boat, allowing the cool salty water to crawl up my legs and slide back down again. I decide to hop into my togs and go for a swim around the boat. I stand at the end, lean forward and jump. The salty water engulfs me, and welcomes me into another world.

My Dance Studio - Sophie
As I step out of the car, I take a look at my dance studio,
Big, white, with glass doors was all that the plain eye could see but to me
this was my home,
the moment I walk through these doors, I feel a cold breeze brush across my face,
I pull on my dance shoes which feel comfortable around my feet,
I take a drink of water as I hear the music start and prepare myself,
my whole body seems to lift from the ground and I feel as if I'm 
flying, as if nothing or no one can hold me back from what I was born to do.....

This land is my home -Michelle
Where the mud turned to grass
And the swamp turned to a town.

This Land is my home,
I'll be for my very last breath,
this land is my home,
I'll be able to see the roof of my home.
While my spirits hover above my home
This land is my home 
where all you will hear is music 
all you will smell is food 
where all you can see is photographs
 Of my childhood.
This is my home,
Where I'll be till my very last breath
There's no place I'll rather be.

               This place is my home by adam

                         Christchurch is my home from the hills to the rumbling ground

                          full of kiwi hope of the  future  of the city . where inspiration

                        is thriving in the heart of Christchurch.   where the cantab spirit is 

                       still alive after all we been through together, and where all my friends

                      and family are. 

My best place to be on Waitangi day would be warmly snuggled up inside the duvet covers in my room, watching humorous TV shows, playing on Team Fortress 2, going on Facebook to chat or read posts and stuffing a big juicy mighty angus into my famished stomach.
By Jack

This is my favourite place to be on Waitangi day
Watching as Homer Simpson drinks too much and drives his car into a fire hydrant accompanied by the sound of his windshield shattering and his signature "D'oh!"
I hear my sister laughing and I laugh too.
My mother brings a pizza into the lounge and I lunge for a fat, greasy slice.
I feel the doughy bottom and the half-molten cheese dripping onto my chin and I taste the different meats as they touch my tongue
and the scent of it overwhelms my nostrils.
Jack B

This is my favourite place.
This is my home.
Favourite Place to be on Waitangi Day
My favourite place to be on Waitangi Day  is the beach. 
At the beach I can surf and just hang out with my friends. 
The hot sun is burning on my legs and I feel like a fry pan. 
The salty smell of the sea floats around the beach
The water forcefully crashes against the rocks. 
The sun glares through my sun glasses making me squint as i look around.
To me, the beach makes me happy and is defiantly the best place to be Waitangi Day.
-By Oliva

New Zealand - Eddie
This land is my home,
A small island in the middle of pacific ocean,
A beautiful and peaceful place,
A country with only 4 millions population.

This land is my home

Where trees are standing,
Flowers are smiling,
Birds are singing,
Children are laughing.
  This land is my home,
  Where teachers are friendly,
   Heaps of sports activities,
    Very little homework,
    Here all the fit and health people live.

My favourite place to be on Waitangi day is in Kaiteriteri beach at summer
I see little kids running around the golden sand and teenagers playing volleyball
I hear the crash of the blue waves and shouting voice the the children
I feel the breezy wind and the coldness of the water
I taste the delicious food near the beaches
I smell the barbecue going on next door and that sizzling sausages
- Geena

The place I feel at home - Matthew

diamonds in the sea shining so beautifully,
cicadas yelling bees humming lawn mowers grumbling,
the taste of salt the smell of pine,
old wood against my feet waves splashing on the beach.

On Waitangi Day my favourite place to be is riding my horse!

When I wake up on Waitangi Day the fresh smell of bacon and eggs greats me. I leap out if bed knowing that I am going horse riding. After a quick breckfast we start the drive to Living Springs Farmpark where we keep our horses. We have 3 horses, Drummer a 16 year old Applaossa gelding, Fire a 18 year old TB x English riding and Riley a 5 year old connemara x NewZealand. 

I saddle Riley up and take him to the jumping paddock to do some jumping. I then take Riley for a treck up into the Governess bay hills with my friend Phoebe. Our horses come back sweating and tired. I take Riley back to our paddock and give him a big bucket of food! 

That is what I like to do on Waitangi Day.
By Sally

Best Place to Be on Waitangi Day
By Justine
I heard the birds in the grand, green oak trees of my place chirping their little songs, forecasting a bright sunny day, first thing in the morning. I opened my eyes and saw the sun seeping through the cracks in the curtains like laser beams, confirming the birds' forecast. The smell of bacon wafted through the gaps around my bedroom door, as I turned my head on a fluffy cloud , away from the light, and hoped my mum would give me a few more minutes in my warm paradise.

My at home poem      - Mahlia
I wake to music
My curtains being pulled and my window being opened
The light is blinding
But the breeze is cool

I wake to the small of bacon and eggs being cooked
It smells good, I want to get up
But I am entangled in my sheets 
I can't get up

I see my dog in my room
He licks my face 
Give him a pat
It's time to get up

I go to the kitchen
To were I get Breakfast 
Bacon and eggs are so good 
I wish I had more

Waitangi day
My Favourite place to be on Waitangi day would have to be the beach. This is because its lovely, peaceful, hopefully warm, fun, with great bonding time and just an all round amazing day.

One of the lovely warming things I can always see is the horizon. It helps me to imagine the first people of New Zealand coming from far far away!

I love to hear the loud crashing of the waves as they roll up onto the shoreline. The clean, salty, fresh scent of the sea always makes me feel as if it is refreshing me and giving me a new lease of life.
By Claudia Cassidy!

This is my home - Jeremy

I hide under my blankets  as the sound of my alarm wakes me from my dreams
A cool breeze sweeps through my window  as I force myself out of bed,
 the smell of food  fills the air, crispy bacon,
The taste of fresh water fills my mouth,

This is my home.

Christchurch By Jungwon 
Christchurch is my home.
Where I found friendships,
That will last forever and ever.
I feel accepted.

Christchurch is my home
Where I felt foreign, different
And diluted.
Now I feel safe.

Christchurch is my home.
Where I can dance my whole life
And find your purpose in life.
I feel joyful.

Christchurch is my home.
And will always be
For generations to come,
Beyond my life.

Waitangi Day Poem Grace
I awaken 
Bed sheets cocoon me whilst I mentally prepare for the real world again
Eggs on toast sticks to my teeth 
As I watch the sun rise.
The long uncut grass in my lawn shines green
Like an old Polaroid shot
As I lie under a lonely birch 
To Listen to the top charts through my headphones
Limbs of dandelions flail in the wind, hung by invisible string
My turangawaewae is here
In my piece of paradise.

My Home          By Sarah

This is where I come from, this is what I see,

I have the perfect place, and it’s all for me.

If we’re playing hide and seek, this is where you’ll find me,

Right here, beside the sea.

The sand’s so nice out here,

The wind is in my hair,

It’s exactly where I want to be,

The family Bach on the beach.

My Favourite Place to be on Waitangi day. Anissa
My favourite place to be on Waitangi day is on the beach with friends on a sunny day.
The sea is calm with small waves lapping against the shore . A cool gentle breeze brushes the hair off my face. Boats sway from side to side with the wind and each incoming wave. I can hear children laughing from the nearby playground and the squawk of hungry seagulls. I can smell the salty water and I can almost taste it. The water is cold and refreshing, its is a calm dark blue. I think to myself, this is definitely the best place to be on Waitangi Day.

My Home By Marijke Cooper
My room is my home.
It is where I can sit and nobody tries to talk to me with their loud voices or touch me with their rough hands.
There are no smells that hurt my throat and lungs.
I feel happy in my room. In my room are my books where I can go into another world where everyone is brave and honorable.
I like the taste of oranges so I often bring them up there.
I am safe from rivers, I hate them.
My room is my home.

This is my land.   By Rochelle Kim
The streets are busy
The sidewalks are loud.

It's winter now.
The mist is surrounding the sun
It snows here every winter 
The white snow is soft 

This is my land
Even though I haven't been here a while, this is still my land.
This is my land

Waitangi Day Poem - Ben
On Waitangi day my favourite place to be is outside with a cool drink in my hand under the sun relaxing. Maybe listening to some music on my ipod or on the phone to my friends. Or even better with my friends while the burgers and sausages roast on the barbeque and give off a scent from heaven itself.

My room  - Sarang
Clothes scattered everywhere like my wardroe had exploded.
Music sheets astray from their shelves
My bed sheets draped on the floor like broken curtains
My room
Loud music filling my ears
Text messages flying to my phone from my friends

This Place is My Home     By Justine

This place is my home where I feel safe
where I feel most accepted.

This place is my home
where the aroma of food lingers
where music is all I hear
bouncing off each wall
ringing in each head.

This place is my home
where my family is what I see
where I am loved and which I love.

This place is my home
where I live
where I grew up
where memories can be tasted in the air
as I trail my hand across the photographs on the walls
as I walk across the soft carpet in each room
as I look at different scenes out each window
as I see the expressions on each family member's face.

The memories are aroused with the dust and the tiny particles in the air
and whirl around in a dance of joy, laughter, sorrow, tears, chaos and peace.

This place is my home.
There is no better place to be.
Hard at work today