My writing
As the sun shines down on my feet and head, I stand there and can smell the salty water and crispy chips. I can hear the soft sounds of the crabs scuttling around on the rocks and can see the birds circling the water hoping to spot a fish swimming around, so they can feed their young ones. As I slowly dip my feet over the edge of the dock into the chilly water I can suddenly feel the cold and soft breeze brushing my hair across my face as I softly push the hair away with my index finger I decide I should go in the water for a quick swim.

I slowly gather up my colorful floral swimsuit and then head towards the changing rooms. As my feet reach the sand just before a windy path heading up to the changing rooms I feel the soft powder burn my feet because it had been roasting all day in the sun all day, I quickly put my jandels on to sooth the burning and carry on up the windy path.

As I finally reach the changing rooms to get on my togs I carefully open the door to see if there is anyone else in there. Once I know the coast is clear I quickly lock the door and slide out of my clothes and quickly replacing them with my swimsuit. I then carefully tie my warm towel around my waist put on my jandels then head back down to the ocean. As I carefully scurry over the hot sand I reach the cool ocean I untie my towel placing it carefully in the sun to make sure its warm when I get back out, then I slowly edge my way into the freezing water.

I continue slowly getting deeper into the cold water and feel a cold shock reach my body as the water reaches my waist I softly repeat to myself “just dive in, just dive in and get it over with” but no matter how many times I repeat it to myself I can’t convince myself to just quickly get in the water. The water reaches my tummy button and I finally decide to just dive into the water as I quickly push my body down into the water I feel a cold tingle over my body and as I continue to swim the air around me seems to be colder then the water itself. As I start to swim out further in the water a huge smile spreads over my face and I start to enjoy every second of my time in the water.

Time passes quickly and after a long refreshing swim I finally decide its time to get out and head home because the sun might start to settle and then I will be freezing and find it hard to get warm. So I quickly make my way out of the water and wrap my warm towel back around my body happy with such a fabulous day and think everything is perfect when I feel a sharp pain in my feet only to look down and see redness stretched over my feet only to realize I forgot to put on sunblock.

My creative writing
“Mum don’t leave me alone with him!”
“Look I am just going out for an hour, I think you two can handle yourselves.”
“No buts Tim, I need to leave now irI will be late” she fast walked out the rotten door not bothering to close it behind her because it was a hot day. “ Just great” I muttered, I decided to watch some TV so I walked into the lounge and was met by a pile of hand-me-downs. I jumped over the oule and flopped down onto the couch to watch TV on our 25 inch screen, The Tv was probably 50 years old and was still in black and white.

After ten minutes of watching AFV I heard the creak of the stairs I knew it must be my stupid brother Todd. Todd was as smart as a sloth and as slow as one. He was wearing old sneakers that had a hole in the bottom and a white stained shirt. He was at least fifty centimetres taller than me and as big as a baby elephant.

“Hey little bro,” he sneered. “what do you want”
I sighed, “Your head on a silver plate,” He growled.” Change the channel little bro” he said each word like he was spitting.

“Where's your manners,” I asked “change the channel”he replied. Anger was starting to build up inside me I tightened my grip on the remote. He stopped in front of me and the TV trying to tower over me. I decided to run I jumped over the back of the cough and ran into the hallway. I could see him behind me in pursuit but I knew he wouldn't catch me because he was too big and slow.

I ran through the dining room then back through the living room I could no longer see where my brother was realised that he must have one brain cell left in his brain. Instead of chasing me he must have gone a different way so he could catch me by surprise. He burst out of the living room with alarming speed I only just had enough time to jump out of the way as he charged at me. I ran towards the laundry room but my knees hit the frame of the door and my legs buckled. I was running too fast to slow down so i fell to the ground. I slide on the tile floor and banged my head on the washing machine and black out.

When I woke I could hear a loud siren in the background I could see two people looking down at the one was my brother the other was a lady in a white coat wearing a name tag that said Katelin Sawder. “ It is going to be all right “ whispered the ;lady in a soothing voice.
“it’s going to be OK.
“Mum don’t leave me alone with him!”

“Look I am just going out for an hour, I think you two can handle yourselves.”
“No buts Tim, I need to leave now or I will be late” she fast walked out the rotten door not bothering to close it behind her because it was a hot day. “ Just great” I muttered, I decided to watch some TV so I walked into the lounge and was met by a pile of hand-me-downs. I jumped over the oule and flopped down onto the couch to watch TV on our 25 inch screen, The Tv was probably 50 years old and was still in black and white.

After ten minutes of watching AFV I heard the creak of the stairs I knew it must be my stupid brother Todd. Todd was as smart as a sloth and as slow as one. He was wearing old sneakers that had a hole in the bottom and a white stained shirt. He was at least fifty centimetres taller than me and as big as a baby elephant.

“Hey little bro,” he sneered. “what do you want”
I sighed, “Your head on a silver plate,” He growled.” Change the channel little bro” he said each word like he was spitting.

“Where's your manners,” I asked “change the channel”he replied. Anger was starting to build up inside me I tightened my grip on the remote. He stopped in front of me and the TV trying to tower over me. I decided to run I jumped over the back of the cough and ran into the hallway. I could see him behind me in pursuit but I knew he wouldn't catch me because he was too big and slow.

I ran through the dining room then back through the living room I could no longer see where my brother was realised that he must have one brain cell left in his brain. Instead of chasing me he must have gone a different way so he could catch me by surprise. He burst out of the living room with alarming speed I only just had enough time to jump out of the way as he charged at me. I ran towards the laundry room but my knees hit the frame of the door and my legs buckled. I was running too fast to slow down so i fell to the ground. I slide on the tile floor and banged my head on the washing machine and black out.

When I woke I could hear a loud siren in the background I could see two people looking down at the one was my brother the other was a lady in a white coat wearing a name tag that said Katelin Sawder. “ It is going to be all right “ whispered the ;lady in a soothing voice.
“it’s going to be OK.

Black and White
Beautiful, mermaid curly, brown hair on a tanned girl, the same height as me. On top of all that, a gorgeous cherry coloured dress with ruffles and lace. This is all I remember on the first day we set eyes on each other. I never knew that this girl would be my soul mate and become the only person to talk to in times of trouble. All I saw was a girl the same height as me. That was all.

Anita came from the country side of South Korea while I came from the dizzy, polluted-with-people-city, Seoul. She had come to New Zealand when she was only a baby, the size of an arm. I came here when I was the height of my mother’s legs. We were as different as black and white but next thing you know, we were as close together as peanut butter and jelly. We went to the same church and would often go to Sunny Nelson together with our families. We even made a secret snail-house in the back of the church building. Without a word, we would sneak after services to check if the squirmy creatures were still breathing. We were as quiet as mice about this because it was ‘special’ and was ‘our thing’. I hope that it is still there, after three years we had made it.

Miniature scars of deep circle outlines filled Anita’s top arm. Curiously but cautiously, I asked what they were while taking a cool bath on a heated day. She turned her head to view the spots and answered, “I don’t know”. Later on that day, I asked my mum for an answer. Mysteriously, her face and the atmosphere turned poignant as if I had said something wrong. “The marks are scars from injections that the doctors put in when you’re a small baby in Korea.”  She replied but gave a big sigh after it. Her face was white as if she were ill. I could tell she had not wanted me to know about it because it was a big pain for her to let her first child get jabbed by needles into my pure, delicate skin. I imagined the poor babies winging and whining and kicking their legs furiously when the sharp knife pinched into their skin. Not just one but a dozen would have to go in to ‘protect’ the child from diseases. I had told Anita this and we both promised to each other that when we have a child, we would be there for each other and avoid having needles put into our children…. Ever.

The moon was a beautiful night-light outside the clear, crystal windows of Anita’s living room. Not a single imperfection. But soon this was forgotten and interrupted.

Like the speed of lightning, Maggie fell down the stairs. CRASH! BANG! Her head hit the banister and her knee had dislocated into an awkward position. She landed on the wooden floor face up and started to dribble red liquid out of her nose. “AAAHH!” screamed Anita. Nothing could be worse that witnessing your mother going through hell. Sorrowful, Anita started to cry as if someone had died. Maggie didn’t move. She was rushed to the 24 hour hospital with her husband while Jackie, 15, looked over us. I could see in Anita’s eyes that she wouldn’t give up crying. “She’s alright, she’ll come back soon “ were the only words that could come out of both of our mouths, My parents soon found out about the accident and rushed to Anita’s home, 1 AM in the morning: direct from Timaru. Miraculously, they both scurried into the flat and took us to our home. The silence was tenser than ever, maybe because it was in the middle of the night. I could hear every little tear drop drop.

‘Ring ring!’ went the phone. Scattering, my mum ran to the phone and without any doubt, said, “Is she okay?” The reply was that the knee was slightly fractured and she stopped bleeding. Relief and gladness filled the air.

Winters, spring, autumn and summers had passed. Macau. Her dad. Forever. Loss. “I’ve got a secret to tell you” whispered Anita.

“I’m moving to Macau.” My heart collapsed and thumped like a drum. Every time I think about it, I weep. My soul mate gone forever, after all we’ve been through? It was impossible.

“You’re joking I know!” I asked hoping I was right… but who would lie about such a thing?

“My dad says that he misses us and wishes us to come so we can live together.” Thunder bolts coming out of her mouth.

WE had two more weeks until losing each other. We were at a sleepover and she told me one last secret. “I’m making a folder containing how we became best friends and of our life.” She said. OMG! I was doing the same thing! I was anxiously thinking if I should say or not. I decided not to. Just for a surprise. All of a sudden, it was D-DAY. As we both went to the airport, we held hands. Her Minnie mouse suitcase from her dad sent from Disneyland was next to her. It was that moment that I lifted my folder out of my bag and gave it to her. “Don’t read it until you get to Macau.” I said. Her face literally turned from a frown upside down. In the waiting area, we prayed together that everything would go well in Macau. It was too sudden. In half an hour, I saw the plane go past up into the clouds heading north. My tears began to trickle down like raindrops from a grey cloud. I will never forget her until we meet in Heaven. BFFs forever.


 The angel of the sea
The shark’s teeth had locked onto her ripped flesh. I bolted through the salty water that sucked my legs so far back that I fell down crashing against the stinging sand. Finally I reached her metallic blue surf board that balanced her body between life and death. I grabbed onto her icy hands. The deadly shark was at the other end of her unconscious body that was moving in the waves like a rag doll. Her hands started to slide out of mine as her legs went deeper into the soulless monster. My eyes became hazy and unfocused from the sea water running into them. The sea water was on the shark’s side, but I wasn’t going to let my sister go even if I was to go down with her. But we were saved.

Blonde hair, arms that felt like feathers as they brushed past me and scarred the monster away. An angel…

The sound of dancing water filled my ears. Warm sand stroked my skin. “Lucy!” I screamed as my memory of the shark attack jolted through my mind. I looked around, my eyes still hazy from the sea water. Before I fainted again I saw two figures. One was lying on the ground and had flickering flame red hair. There was a matching puddle (the same colour as her hair) around her. The other figure was tall and hovering over me. My eyes shut down.

When I regained consciousness I was in a crystal white room. A loud beeping sound came from a lime green curtain beside me. I stood up. My legs were as shaky as a phone on vibrate. I pulled back the curtain and saw my beautiful sister. Her red hair in a bundle on her pillow. Tears of joy streamed from my pale freckly face. One of her legs was gone but she was alive. A noise startled me. I turned around in a flash and saw the blurry angle that saved our lives sleeping on the couch in the corner of the hospital room. Our dad.

My God daughter, Savannah Stevens.
On November 20th 200 my family were delighted to welcome a wee gem! Savannah came into my wonderful home and fitted right in like a bird learning to fly and finally getting it. She was born with big hazel eyes that look very aware of people and things surrounding her. Her checks are cute and chubby and are always looking rosey! Savannah's eye lashes are so long you could almost measure things with them like a ruler! She is my mum’s, sister’s, daughter’s, daughter, which technically means she’s my God daughter. 

Savannah’s parents, Stephanie and Rick, who are American, both saw how much we loved being together so they gave me the special role of being her God mother. Being given this role I felt very honored because I love her so much! 

Savannah absolutely loves to giggle and have a really good laugh, especially when she is being tickled! You never see Savannah without a smile on her face unless she has just had a “fallout” with her older brother Rhys who is just turned 7. 

Her hair always looks lovely and she normally wears it out and it comes to her shoulders, otherwise she likes to wear it in two buns at the top of her head. Savannah’s hair is light brown and as she runs her hair flows in the breeze! Savanna’s nose is like a little button stuck to the front of her face! She has a very petite structure and is of average height.

When Savannah comes around to my house she loves to help out doing everything! If my mum is in the kitchen baking or cooking Savannah will be there! Even when it comes to cleaning she will always be in on the action! 

Because of all Savannah’s grand-parents living in Georgia USA, Savannah gets most of her clothing and accessories sent from there. Savannah’s clothes and styles are always just that little bit different and nicer because of the way the USA make and design them.. She picks her clothes most days and in doing that she feels very proud of herself.

When Savannah was about two we went for a trip to Dunedin! During the long drive we all got a bit bored so we entertained ourselves by making nick-names for members of our family and close friends! It was my go, so I decided to name Savannah! The first name that popped into my mind was Bubba-Chubs because of her little baby-fat rolls! This name has still stuck with her till this very day. But with Savannah’s cuteness she can putt it off! 

I have watched Savannah grow up slowly since he day she was born and in February this year I had the honor of seeing her take her first steps into Fendalton Primary school with her older brother Rhys. She immediately fitted in and made amazing friends that can guide her in the right direction. 

Every Sunday is family day. This has been happening ever since I can remember. As Savannah and all of my other cousins have grown up we always go for a coffee, have a good talk, catch up and do some sort of interactive activity. 

Savannah has always cared for me, loved me and she is always there to give me massive bear hugs! And I do the same for her.  I couldn’t live without my Bubba-Chubs! 

The accident
Tom and Brian’s parents walked into the living room and said “we have an announcement to make, since Brian has recently turned 15, we thought it would be alright if you guys stayed home by yourself for one night. Tom’s face turned so red from anger, it looked like a hot pot ready to burst, after a few seconds he screamed “no you can’t do this,” but like always his parents didn’t listen to him.   Their parents went over the rules and before they left they kissed them goodnight and shut the door.

Now Tom and Brian were left home alone ad Tom already knew this was going to be a long night.  Brian told Tom told to go and make him a turkey sandwich so Tom did as he was asked, then Brian told Tom to go out of the room because he had to make an important phone call.   Once Tom was out of the room he ran into his parent’s room. (That’s where the spare phone is.)   Then Tom heard Brian’s voice “Hey Claire, how have you been?” Then Tom dropped the phone by mistake, by the time he picked the phone up and stopped panicking, he put his ear up to the phone and heard a dead line.
Tom didn’t seem too worried about that, but when he got up, he hit a something, then he turned around and saw Brian with the angriest facial expression he ever saw, Tom facial expression went from calm to panicky. He knew he had to get away, so he ran past Brian.
Brian soon followed Tom, but Tom was as fast as light.  Tom ran into his room and soon after that Brian followed after him. But as soon as he went in his emotions went from angry to scared and worried, he saw Tom on the ground with a big bump on his head. Brian went on his knees and carefully shook him but he didn’t move.  Brian knew something had to be done so he ran to the living room where he had dropped the phone and quickly called 111, Brian immediately asked for an ambulance at 52 Hamilton ave. The ambulance came faster than a runway train.  Tom’s room and  Brian told the doctor the story and she just nodded and took some notes.

She checked his blood pressure and the bump on his head.  The whole time Brian crossed his fingers and prayed he would be ok. Then the Jody the doctor said he’s fine and he’ll just need some rest. Then Jody picked her phone up and told Brian she had to go, Brian nodded and showed the way out.

Brian walked back into Tom’s room with his head down, but when lifted his head he saw Tom was missing, he started to get scared, but the thing that scared him the most was the sound of the toilet flushing.  When Brian turned his head around slowly, he saw the door handle turning, Brian thought suddenly thought the person that was about to come through the door was a burglar that came in and stole Tom, Brian quickly ran to the top bunk and hid himself under the duvet, after a few seconds Brian lifted the duvet really slowly to see who it was, then he saw Tom on his desk rubbing his head. “Tom” Brian yelled, he ran down and hugged Tom and he hugged him back.

Later that night, Brian didn’t make Tom do anything for him, instead Brian did everything for him.  Tom then said “Brian can we play U.S car go racing?” Brian smiled and gave him a controller and played the game throughout the night.

My Grandma 
Lots of grey hairs and wrinkles cross her face with a benign smile will be the first impression when you see my grandma, but if you look closely you can feel the warmth from her eyes. My grandma has a round face 
with two dull, glassy eyes, under her flat nose there is a dry mouth. She used to look young and beautiful, 
however her forehead is now covered with lines. I know exactly how this happened, those 10 years I spend with her was so valuable to me, she raised me from a baby to a teenager, but the unceasing toil has left its mark on her face.
 My grandma is the person I love the most. She was the only one waiting next to mum when I was born. My dad and mum were very busy all my childhood, they worked out of town most of the time. Dad always flew 
to other countries for business and mum ran a factory with hundreds of employees. Therefore after my 
first birthday, I was left alone with my grandparents. My grandpa is a great man, however he was horrible at looking after babies. That means my grandma had to take care of me by herself. I can’t really remember any baby stories I had with grandma now, though I know she taught me how to be a good person.

My first recaptured memory was kindergarten. When I turned three grandma led me to a boarding kindergarten, she gently explained to me that she had wors to do, so she could only visit me on Wednesday night. At first I felt sad and lonely. I had to eat, wash and sleep along with some older kids. When grandma came to visit me I wept, I whispered to her how lonely I felt. Nevertheless my opinions never affected her decisions, she kept me in boarding school until I was 6. At that time I was relieved that preschool was finally over. As time passed, I gradually realized that my self -management capability was better than every one else in my Primary school. Then I started to understand why my grandma took me to boarding school, she wanted me to be independent.

 In the third grade of preschool, I was selected by a swimming school. It’s usually hard to start something 
new. Therefore there is no surprise that I found swimming quite difficult and my level was at the bottom of the swimming squad. Summer break was coming up, I explained to grandma that I wanted to quit, but 
grandma angrily refused it. She firmly said “ My grandson shouldn’t be a quitter !” 

  In summer holidays we had to train twice a day, 6~7:30am and 5~6pm. I was always dragged out of bed by grandma in early mornings, she wouldn’t let me miss one lesson. I clearly remembered one misty day, it was raining hardcore outside. I didn’t sleep well the whole night because of the howling wind and the pouring rain. Under such a bad weather, I thought it should be a no-swimming “lucky day”, but as usual, grandma briskly walked into my room, lifted up my quilt, patted me on the back and called me out of bed. She handed me the thick raincoat, and warned me to button, then she wore the old thin raincoat with a shabby hat. After that we left home. The usually bustling Chinese street was very quiet that morning. My grandma was biking slowly and cautiously. We were like the camel in the desert, you couldn’t see anyone anywhere. I sat still on the back seat, watching grandma tiredly treading on the pedals. Rain dripped from her hair and she seemed to get all soaked. That trip took three times more than usual. When we finally arrived at the swimming pool, grandma was exhausted, she softly told me to train hard, and then rested on the chair. That day I was the only one at drilling, I swam extremely hard and the coach was really happy. After that day, I got up without grandma’s alarming, I didn’t miss one lesson that summer. Of course after the summer holiday I was the fastest in my age group of the squad. Grandma encouraged me to persist on everything I selected to do and Never Give Up easily. Ever since then, whenever I meet with adversities, I will always remember what grandma said “ Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it.” 
I immigrated to New Zealand two years ago. I had to leave my hometown and certainly my grandma. Although she was reluctant to part with me, she was supportive of my move, she knew that it was for my bright future and she wouldn’t expect me to nestle all the time alongside her. We both cried on the day I left, at last she patted on my back and we were loath to wave goodbye. I promised to visit her once a year. 

I flew back to China last month. Physically she has changed, her hair has turned completely grey, more wrinkles are appearing on her face. Mentally she doesn’t, she is still the affable, kind and lovely grandma. My two 
weeks at home went by as fast as the blink of an eye. Despite such a short time staying together in a year, I
truly cherish the emotional bond with my grandma. She means everything to me. We chatted a lot via 
Skype in our convenience. From the bottom of my heart I feel indebted for everything she did for me, and I am sure she knows that I Love Her.  

The Watery Career
Walking across the glamorous night coast of America, Jake Kurano stopped his foot steps.
“Go to university and study business!”
These were the words that haunted him repetitively, it was almost as if the words had been engraved in his mind.

It had been quite a few weeks now, since Jake’s father decided upon his son’s career.
“Its for the sake of the family!”
That was the only excuse Jake’s father had to offer.
Ever since then, the smile on Jake’s face was never the same.

Jake had a dream, he had told his father many times, but the only response his father gave him was “rubbish” or “nonsense”. After all, Jake’s father had spent twenty or so years building up the family business and had just seen some success. 

Jake continued to walk on the cool sandy beach staring at his feet. Yes, they were a natural pair, made for surfing. They were tanned dark and brown  with a hint of brazilian gold, jandle worn marks protruding from his skin, long but strong built and scarred from years of experience. Yes! This was his dream; to become a surfer.

It all dated back to Jake’s childhood, when his mother was still alive. The pair would always go fishing and it was here, in the dazzling blue sea, Jake would protrude his little feet into the shallow depths of the water and splash around. It was here that he could feel freedom, dazzle his short black hair in the golden sun and swim through the open water with his fish like body.

“Try it!” those were the words that ha started it all. It was on a typical sunny day, when the pair were fishing together. Jake’s mother called for him to come. Jake flew over there with all his might as his mother handed him a surf board she had bought for him as an early birthday present. “Try it!” was all she could manage. At first, the board seemed so insignificant to Jake. He would pound on it with his little feet and pull it into the water. It would always make him drown of course, but on one particular day, there came a breakthrough. It was again, a typical sunny day, the waters would collide into each other and occasionally, small fish would jump up out of the water but to find themselves fall in again. Jake rolled his board to the correct side and popped it into the water. He stepped on  it carefully and let the waves do the rest. In that sudden moment, he could feel his bond with the sea and loved every moment of it. He came onto shore and yelled “Yes!” uncontrollably. He saw his mother smile and a surge of happiness struck him.

As Jake continued to stroll down the beach in the warm evening air, tears started to roll down his cheek. He wished that his mother was here now, that way he would at least have a shoulder to lean on. Jake looked up at the sky for the first time in days. He had made up his mind, Jake Kurano will do anything to fulfill his dreams.

The Race
I can’t stop. I can’t stop because I know I am nearly at the top. Burning muscles, bruised bones and gashed open skin, sends desperate messages to my brain. Stop, they scream. Rest! Eat! Drink! Fatigue fills my body and drags me down but I climb on.

The river licks my foot and peels the dirt away. The sun hides behind the Great Mountain, warm rays peeking out like an eager four year old playing hide-and-seek. Behind me, the dirt lands stretch out to the horizon.

Some people think this place dead. Just dust and pebbles and withered trees.

But to me, it is alive. The dust dances and simmers and twirls and only the rare rainfall can tame it. And when it dries it dances and the sound of bare, running feet echoes and thumps, once again.

I had just spent the day training for the Race. I look at the Great Mountain that reaches to the sky, challenging me. I will be climbing it in two weeks. There is not much time left. I need to train more. I need to train harder.

I need to win.

The settlement is bustling when I walk back. Dinner time. Our mud huts surround the big fires that illumine the night.

I sit down on a log and observe my competitors- all the 15 year olds. Most of them are back from training too. No one trains longer than me. Except one. He saunters back now, as if on cue. Tall, dark, proud. His eyes flick towards me. Inferior, they say. Anger bubbles in me. I will beat you. I will use this anger, gather it, and use it as fuel. I will beat you in the Race, you wait.

The last obstacle looms before me. The Cliff. Just don’t think about it. I climb, using the last of my energy. I jam my hands and feet into cracks on the rock face and haul and haul and haul. Suddenly, a hand hold crumbles. I lose my rhythm and my balance. I gasp. My knees bang into the cliff. Pain shoots up my legs. I hang with only four fingers holding me. Scrambling, panicking, I try not to look down. If I fall, I die but worse still, it means I lose.  My muscles pulse and my heart races. I grit my teeth together and launch myself up, just enough to secure another hand hold. I sigh in relief. I climb on.

I finally reach the top.

That is when I see it. The glass trophy, the proof that I reached the top, the winner’s prize. It is so small and fragile compared to the Great Mountain on which it stands. 100 meters in front of me. So beautiful, so peaceful, reflecting the sunlight, resting on the plateau.

This is the thing we have all been risking our lives for.

I race and scramble and gasp and crawl and sprint for the destination.

The Fragmented Window
I slowly marched up the stairs of my new house. Screech, creak, squeak went the stairs as I fumbled my hefty suitcase along them. The word that describes my new house is dreary. It’s dark from the droopy trees that sway in the breeze and it has a dark chill about the way it looks. When I reached my new room, I dumped the suitcase on the ground and lay on my rock-solid bed. My eyes slowly fluttered shut.

The first rays of morning tiptoed through the forest outside my window. I heaved myself off the stiff bed and I trudged over to the window. The sun glared in my eyes. My fingers danced along the dusty window sill. A dark silhouette figure was running through the forest in the distance. I took a small step backwards. Many more dark silhouette figures followed the first. They all started moving towards the house.

“What’s happening?” I mumbled under my breath quietly so no one could hear me.
“AIM AND FIRE!” A loud voice boomed.

I ran back to the wall behind me and curled up into a ball on the wooden ground. Something small shot through my window. It all shattered into small pieces on the ground. A high pitched howl came from the garden. A tear streamed down my face.
“COME ON BOYS, LETS SCARPER!” The same voice commanded.

I stayed hunched up in a ball for a further few minutes. I slowly unravelled my spine as I stood up. I tiptoed over to the broken window and peeked outside it to see the tail end of a group of soldiers. I ran down the squeaky stairs. My mother was standing hurled over the kitchen bench crying of course. She turned around in shock, her eyes red and teary. I ran outside. I saw a small figure lying on the ground. His lanky legs curled up to his chest. I heard my mother screaming my brothers name, my now deceased 7-year-old brother. I don’t know how to react, my younger brother had disappeared from existence.

1 Week Later...

I have been aimlessly staring out of my fragmented window for the past half an hour, looking out to the distant forest where I saw the dark silhouette soldiers. I miss the whiney voice of my brother, screaming whenever I got something he didn’t. But for now, I will continue staring out of my fragmented window.

Starting Again
It has been a year now since I was last here, a year that changed everything. Walking down the path to my parents and I  favourite beach, the place we used to spend our lives, I realise how much I miss it, miss having a normal life. I look back at my parents who are tired but happy and I know that would not want to be anywhere else.

We are some of the first to have arrived this morning. my parents  and I wander over to our favourite Pohutukawa tree and dump our bags down. Unable to resist it any longer I speed change into my togs and sprint towards the icy water like an olympic runner. The fresh water greets me like an old friend making me forget about all my worries and troubles. I lie onto my back in the water and realise that a small boy with mousey mousey brown hair is staring at me like I’m an alien or something! I frown at him as I walk back up the beach wishing he would mind his own business. By the time I get back to the tree that waves at me in the wind, my parents have already set out our picnic. I eat until my hearts content and when I look up there is that little boy again. He talks so fast I can barely understand him saying “Hello my name is max what is yours? Would you like to come exploring with me?”

We clip clop in our jandals like horses down to the beach to the rock pools and caves with max chattering the whole way in his squeaky voice “ Look over there” he yelled pointing at a rock pool that had a big pink starfish lying at the bottom of the pool soaking up the sunlight. Pool after pool we find more and more treasures- from starfish to crabs to snails and pretty little shells. At the very last pool we find nothing but yucky mucky water. “Oh” I say. I open my mouth to say more but Max shh’s me.

“Listen” he whispers cocking his head to the side. I hear nothing at first but then a faint whining sound comes from over the other side of the rocks. “Come on let’s go!” Max shouts already running off.

Stumbling and tripping after him I stub my toe and nearly lose my jandel to a angry crab. Max disappears from my view completely as my legs start to tire. When I reach the top I look down and see max crouched down on the ground, ‘OH NO’ I think and slide down the rocks ripped my new shorts. “Look” says Max standing up perfectly fine. Lying on the ground is a adorable sandy coloured puppy with a patch around one eye. We pat and cuddle it until I feel something cold and wet washing in and out over my foot. I look down expecting the worst but instead I see the clear blue sea.

Max grabs the puppy and helps me too my feet as we start to scramble up the rocks. I didn’t realise it was this steep of the way down I think as we collect cut after cut. Finally when we reach the top and see the rock pools gradually filling up with water getting deeper. By the time we reach the last rock pool the water is up to our waist covering the pink starfish. We use up the last of our energy to stumble and drag ourselves up the beach. Max and my parents come charging around the corner like a stampede of cows!

Five days later I sit in the vet with my parents and Max. I look down at my feet that now have a funny tan line from my jandals and my toes are covered in plasters. Dad says it’s lucky that I still have toes! The vet emerges from his room with the puppy who is now called Biddy tucked under his arm.

“He’s all good to go” the vet says with an amused expression on his face.
Walking over the dunes to our favourite beach with Max and Biddy trotting along at his side, I feel so much better than last time I came.

Out the window.
“Dad and I are going out to a meeting for a while, remember not to let anyone in the house,” mum reminded us.”
“David make sure Micheal doesn't leave the house!”
Dad shouted as he closed to front door.
“Why do we have to stay locked up on our house while all my friends go to the summer party?”
Michael moaned.
“Because mum doesn't want anything to happen to you David replied calmly,”
“Well i’m going,” Michael said as he out on his new jacket.
“You're not going anywhere without dad and mom's permission!” David shouted as he pulled Micheal away from the door.
Michael slumped on the couch twirling his curly brown hair as he knew he couldn't  negotiate with his brother. David turned on the TV and lay on the couch next to Michael.
“I'm going to my room.” Michael sighed as he hopped up the stairs and slammed the door. David watched TV for awhile then he went to his own room. He lay on his bed wondering what Michael would be thinking...David got up suddenly as loud sounds came from Micheals room, he sneaked to Michael's door.
David tried opening it but it was blocked by something.
“Michael! what are you doing?” David shouted , Michael didn’t reply, David banged on the door,
“Micheal, come out!”
The sound of glass shattering filled the house like a siren, David forced open the door to see that Michael's window was shattered, Michael groaned as he lay outside cradling his leg like a mother holding a baby.
“You idiot! thats what you get for jumping out a two story high window, I'll call the ambulance.”
David rushed to the phone and dialed 111
“Ambulance, 45 Burnside Terrace , I think my brothers injured his leg badly.

David went back to Michael to find him unconscious and put him in a relaxed position as the ambulance's siren filled the streets.
The next morning David's parents found out what happened and told David he made a good choice. They visited Michael in hospital and found out he would be out in two weeks and fully healed in a month. Michael apologized to his family, especially Michael.

Accidents happen              
"we're going now out for dinner be good! and Healy is in charge okay!" mum yelled out, They both groaned back saying "yeah yeah". their parents were going out for dinner with other work colleges so they won't be back for ages. the  door slowly shut and the house went quite  you could even hear the dripping coming from the kitchen tap.  then all of the sudden Healy ran down the hall way and jumped on to the couch to start watching TV. Alex the appeared from the hall way "you're not meant to be watching TV" he slowly mumbled." well they aren't going to find out aren't  they" she threatened. Alex then slowly backed away from the couch and wondered into the kitchen all he saw was this big blob sitting on the bright red couch.  he then turned to the cupboard  and scourged through  to find some food.  but then he thought to himself I  know  what I can do.  he then walked back down the hall way  and went into his bedroom.  Healy then thought where did Alex go so she turned the TV off and listened she couldn't hear anything it was like he wasn't even there.  Healy then decided to go and check on him as she crept down the hall way her heart began to pound faster and faster.  the door then slowly screeched open  he wasn't there. Healy then thought mum and dad will never trust me again he was my responsibility.  but then Alex yelled from behind to scare her she jumped and screamed. she was so mad Alex couldn't stop laughing. "I got you good" chuckled Alex. Healy was so infuriated she chased him down the hall way the sound of the yelling and runny echoed through the house.  mums new sparkling blue new vase was on a still Healy ran past the vase it then began to topple down onto the cold hard ground  and smashed into a million tiny pieces on the ground.  they both then stared at the ground "mums going to kill you!" Alex said with a smile on his face "but but it was an accident" she slowly stuttered.   she went into the garage and got a small shovel. they then scraped up the fragments of the vase and put it in the bin. "how are we going to tell her?" she said slowly
" what do you mean by we you broke it you tell her!" Alex said loudly.  

"okay then" she said softly to herself. Alex got up and went back down to his bedroom. Healy  thought to herself mum and dad are never going to trust me again with this kind of responsibility.  then she heard the sound of  a saw cutting through a piece of wood. "ugh what is he doing now" she groined to herself but then it just stopped. she then ran down the hallway again and her heart began to pound faster and faster again. she swung  opened the door to the garage  she could see this puddle of dark red blood trickling out of the workshop. Healy slowly took steps into the work shop the saw and Alex were lying on the ground unconscious . half of his finger was chopped off and there was a gush on his head. it looked like he had bumped his head on the vice cause there was traces of blood on there. she just froze in shock couldn't move didn't know what to do first. she bent down and stared at him for a bit "Alex wake up wake up!" she repeated over and over again but nothing happened.  Healy's hands began to shake as she got out her cell phone to ring 111.  A tear began to trickle  down Healy's face as the phone began to ring then it  splashed in the pool of blood next to him.  her voice sounded shaky and worried as she spoke to the man on the other end of the phone . Healy told the man the address what happened and what her name was . a few minutes later she could her the faint sound of a siren in the distance she went outside and saw the Ambulance heading up the drive way the lights from the car lit up her dried up tears on her face.  they ran in the house and straight to the garage. Healy watched from a distance  she couldn't believed this kind of thing happened. They  load Alex into the Ambulance  but then mum and dad's car drove up. mum stepped out of the car "what happened!?" questioned mum "accidents happen don't they" 

Oh No! What am I supposed to do now? Max is on the ground with a cracked head and blood pouring out. What even happened? Oh yeah.
It was a calm Saturday night when suddenly mum and dad said
“Kids! Your father and I have an announcement to make. We both think that now Laura is 17, we thought maybe we could go out together. You know your father and I. We were deciding that we could now go to the movies or to a restaurant. So thats why, your father and I have made a reservation at Le Petit Cochon. (The fanciest restaurant in town). So Laura, you're in charge of everything tonight.” She says looking at the time.
“Oh! We're going to be late! Dinners in the fridge. LOVE YOU GUYS! Bye! Oh yeah I forgot to tell you but we are going to spend a night in a hotel.” Mum shouted behind the door.
“YES! They're gone!” I screamed while stretching out my arms.
Then that's when I saw my nerdy brother Stewart. He was short and dull. He has short brown hair. He is 1.27m tall and is in year 5. He has enormous glasses that looks as if his eyes were the size of golf balls and lastly he has buck teeth. He was wearing overalls with a checked shirt underneath. He was holding a gigantic book about Science that looked as if had weighed a ton.
“Um........... Do you want dinner now? Um............ What do you want for dinner?” I asked in an awkward tone.
I will have leftovers from yesterday.” Max mumbled
I quickly walked to the kitchen grabbed yesterdays dinner from the fridge. I called him to eat and we both ate our chicken salad in utter silence. After we both finished our chicken salad, I told him to do the dishes because I had done it the day before.
“No I don't want to do it. Why do I have to do it? Why can't you do it? I'm very busy! I have to finish reading about the scientific world while you're probably going to go on the phone and babble all night with one of your silly friends while you're on Fazebook.”Max screamed in an agitated voice.
There was a long and utter silence. We were both as quiet as mouse while the house was fast asleep.
“Do the dishes now before I get angrier. You know that, that you don't like my ugly side. You do know that if you make me sweat or cry, my make up will run and I don't like my mascara running down my face. So you better do exactly what I say. Mum and Dad said that I was in charge so, do exactly as I say to do. I want you to go and do the dishes then I want you to go to bed. I said softly yet with anger in my voice.
Max had looked at me with an evil looking face and then he said make me. I stared at him for a second and then I saw him running around like crazy. Max is still a nerd but he can run as fast as a cheetah. At one point, he was sowing down and heading towards the kitchen. I knew I had him this time because I had locked the kitchen door from the other side. Max was looking behind and saw me catching up so, he ran faster and faster. Then 'BAM' he had smacked the hard wooden door with his head. The door was cracked and most importantly, he was on the floor unconscious with his head with blood pouring out. I quickly ran to the telephone and dialed 887.
“Hello? Um ambulance on the double. My brother his head is cracked open. He is currently unconscious and theres blood pouring out. My house? Um its 86 Revlenads place.”I said all in a rush.
5 minutes later the ambulance was here. They lifted Max up and quickly wrapped his head with some guaze. They lifted him up by one person lifting up his head and one person lifting up his head.
We were in the car all together speeding quickly down the road to the hospital.

“Excuse me miss. How did this happen? One one of the doctors said.
“Well I was chasing my brother and then he ran into the door and then yeah......” I replied.
Once I finished the story we got to the hospital. I quickly got out of the car and then the doctors got Max out. Our parents were already there and they looked really shocked.
After an hour, the doctors came out of the surgery room.
“Young Max was a lucky one. He survived the injury and will be able to go home in about 3 weeks.
The head doctor. Doctor Chip said.
“My son! My son is ok? He's really ok? Thank you God. Thank You.” Mum said while she wasng.
Finally when Max woke up, I was the first one to see him. At first he was scared to see me then he saw how much pain I was in. I came and gave him a gentle hug.
“I'm sorry Max. You don't ever have to do the dishes again. I never really meant to harm you but it looks like I already did. I'm sorry Max. I don't deserve a good brother like you.” I wailed at him.
“Hey hey Laura. I'm fine now. I should be the one that says I'm sorry. I should have just listened to you in the first place. You deserve a brother like me and I know I'm an awesome brother.”Max said in a calm voice.
“So you forgive me?”I asked
“Yeah.”Max replied
We have all forgiven each other now. It's been 3 three weeks now and Max and I are bonding really well. I stopped being so bossy and Max stopped reading so much so we could all be good friends. Our family has finally filled up the gap that used to be there and now we are just one big happy and normal family.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    July 2013

