My writing
As the sun shines down on my feet and head, I stand there and can smell the salty water and crispy chips. I can hear the soft sounds of the crabs scuttling around on the rocks and can see the birds circling the water hoping to spot a fish swimming around, so they can feed their young ones. As I slowly dip my feet over the edge of the dock into the chilly water I can suddenly feel the cold and soft breeze brushing my hair across my face as I softly push the hair away with my index finger I decide I should go in the water for a quick swim.

I slowly gather up my colorful floral swimsuit and then head towards the changing rooms. As my feet reach the sand just before a windy path heading up to the changing rooms I feel the soft powder burn my feet because it had been roasting all day in the sun all day, I quickly put my jandels on to sooth the burning and carry on up the windy path.

As I finally reach the changing rooms to get on my togs I carefully open the door to see if there is anyone else in there. Once I know the coast is clear I quickly lock the door and slide out of my clothes and quickly replacing them with my swimsuit. I then carefully tie my warm towel around my waist put on my jandels then head back down to the ocean. As I carefully scurry over the hot sand I reach the cool ocean I untie my towel placing it carefully in the sun to make sure its warm when I get back out, then I slowly edge my way into the freezing water.

I continue slowly getting deeper into the cold water and feel a cold shock reach my body as the water reaches my waist I softly repeat to myself “just dive in, just dive in and get it over with” but no matter how many times I repeat it to myself I can’t convince myself to just quickly get in the water. The water reaches my tummy button and I finally decide to just dive into the water as I quickly push my body down into the water I feel a cold tingle over my body and as I continue to swim the air around me seems to be colder then the water itself. As I start to swim out further in the water a huge smile spreads over my face and I start to enjoy every second of my time in the water.

Time passes quickly and after a long refreshing swim I finally decide its time to get out and head home because the sun might start to settle and then I will be freezing and find it hard to get warm. So I quickly make my way out of the water and wrap my warm towel back around my body happy with such a fabulous day and think everything is perfect when I feel a sharp pain in my feet only to look down and see redness stretched over my feet only to realize I forgot to put on sunblock.

My creative writing
“Mum don’t leave me alone with him!”
“Look I am just going out for an hour, I think you two can handle yourselves.”
“No buts Tim, I need to leave now irI will be late” she fast walked out the rotten door not bothering to close it behind her because it was a hot day. “ Just great” I muttered, I decided to watch some TV so I walked into the lounge and was met by a pile of hand-me-downs. I jumped over the oule and flopped down onto the couch to watch TV on our 25 inch screen, The Tv was probably 50 years old and was still in black and white.

After ten minutes of watching AFV I heard the creak of the stairs I knew it must be my stupid brother Todd. Todd was as smart as a sloth and as slow as one. He was wearing old sneakers that had a hole in the bottom and a white stained shirt. He was at least fifty centimetres taller than me and as big as a baby elephant.

“Hey little bro,” he sneered. “what do you want”
I sighed, “Your head on a silver plate,” He growled.” Change the channel little bro” he said each word like he was spitting.

“Where's your manners,” I asked “change the channel”he replied. Anger was starting to build up inside me I tightened my grip on the remote. He stopped in front of me and the TV trying to tower over me. I decided to run I jumped over the back of the cough and ran into the hallway. I could see him behind me in pursuit but I knew he wouldn't catch me because he was too big and slow.

I ran through the dining room then back through the living room I could no longer see where my brother was realised that he must have one brain cell left in his brain. Instead of chasing me he must have gone a different way so he could catch me by surprise. He burst out of the living room with alarming speed I only just had enough time to jump out of the way as he charged at me. I ran towards the laundry room but my knees hit the frame of the door and my legs buckled. I was running too fast to slow down so i fell to the ground. I slide on the tile floor and banged my head on the washing machine and black out.

When I woke I could hear a loud siren in the background I could see two people looking down at the one was my brother the other was a lady in a white coat wearing a name tag that said Katelin Sawder. “ It is going to be all right “ whispered the ;lady in a soothing voice.
“it’s going to be OK.
“Mum don’t leave me alone with him!”

“Look I am just going out for an hour, I think you two can handle yourselves.”
“No buts Tim, I need to leave now or I will be late” she fast walked out the rotten door not bothering to close it behind her because it was a hot day. “ Just great” I muttered, I decided to watch some TV so I walked into the lounge and was met by a pile of hand-me-downs. I jumped over the oule and flopped down onto the couch to watch TV on our 25 inch screen, The Tv was probably 50 years old and was still in black and white.

After ten minutes of watching AFV I heard the creak of the stairs I knew it must be my stupid brother Todd. Todd was as smart as a sloth and as slow as one. He was wearing old sneakers that had a hole in the bottom and a white stained shirt. He was at least fifty centimetres taller than me and as big as a baby elephant.

“Hey little bro,” he sneered. “what do you want”
I sighed, “Your head on a silver plate,” He growled.” Change the channel little bro” he said each word like he was spitting.

“Where's your manners,” I asked “change the channel”he replied. Anger was starting to build up inside me I tightened my grip on the remote. He stopped in front of me and the TV trying to tower over me. I decided to run I jumped over the back of the cough and ran into the hallway. I could see him behind me in pursuit but I knew he wouldn't catch me because he was too big and slow.

I ran through the dining room then back through the living room I could no longer see where my brother was realised that he must have one brain cell left in his brain. Instead of chasing me he must have gone a different way so he could catch me by surprise. He burst out of the living room with alarming speed I only just had enough time to jump out of the way as he charged at me. I ran towards the laundry room but my knees hit the frame of the door and my legs buckled. I was running too fast to slow down so i fell to the ground. I slide on the tile floor and banged my head on the washing machine and black out.

When I woke I could hear a loud siren in the background I could see two people looking down at the one was my brother the other was a lady in a white coat wearing a name tag that said Katelin Sawder. “ It is going to be all right “ whispered the ;lady in a soothing voice.
“it’s going to be OK.

Black and White
Beautiful, mermaid curly, brown hair on a tanned girl, the same height as me. On top of all that, a gorgeous cherry coloured dress with ruffles and lace. This is all I remember on the first day we set eyes on each other. I never knew that this girl would be my soul mate and become the only person to talk to in times of trouble. All I saw was a girl the same height as me. That was all.

Anita came from the country side of South Korea while I came from the dizzy, polluted-with-people-city, Seoul. She had come to New Zealand when she was only a baby, the size of an arm. I came here when I was the height of my mother’s legs. We were as different as black and white but next thing you know, we were as close together as peanut butter and jelly. We went to the same church and would often go to Sunny Nelson together with our families. We even made a secret snail-house in the back of the church building. Without a word, we would sneak after services to check if the squirmy creatures were still breathing. We were as quiet as mice about this because it was ‘special’ and was ‘our thing’. I hope that it is still there, after three years we had made it.

Miniature scars of deep circle outlines filled Anita’s top arm. Curiously but cautiously, I asked what they were while taking a cool bath on a heated day. She turned her head to view the spots and answered, “I don’t know”. Later on that day, I asked my mum for an answer. Mysteriously, her face and the atmosphere turned poignant as if I had said something wrong. “The marks are scars from injections that the doctors put in when you’re a small baby in Korea.”  She replied but gave a big sigh after it. Her face was white as if she were ill. I could tell she had not wanted me to know about it because it was a big pain for her to let her first child get jabbed by needles into my pure, delicate skin. I imagined the poor babies winging and whining and kicking their legs furiously when the sharp knife pinched into their skin. Not just one but a dozen would have to go in to ‘protect’ the child from diseases. I had told Anita this and we both promised to each other that when we have a child, we would be there for each other and avoid having needles put into our children…. Ever.

The moon was a beautiful night-light outside the clear, crystal windows of Anita’s living room. Not a single imperfection. But soon this was forgotten and interrupted.

Like the speed of lightning, Maggie fell down the stairs. CRASH! BANG! Her head hit the banister and her knee had dislocated into an awkward position. She landed on the wooden floor face up and started to dribble red liquid out of her nose. “AAAHH!” screamed Anita. Nothing could be worse that witnessing your mother going through hell. Sorrowful, Anita started to cry as if someone had died. Maggie didn’t move. She was rushed to the 24 hour hospital with her husband while Jackie, 15, looked over us. I could see in Anita’s eyes that she wouldn’t give up crying. “She’s alright, she’ll come back soon “ were the only words that could come out of both of our mouths, My parents soon found out about the accident and rushed to Anita’s home, 1 AM in the morning: direct from Timaru. Miraculously, they both scurried into the flat and took us to our home. The silence was tenser than ever, maybe because it was in the middle of the night. I could hear every little tear drop drop.

‘Ring ring!’ went the phone. Scattering, my mum ran to the phone and without any doubt, said, “Is she okay?” The reply was that the knee was slightly fractured and she stopped bleeding. Relief and gladness filled the air.

Winters, spring, autumn and summers had passed. Macau. Her dad. Forever. Loss. “I’ve got a secret to tell you” whispered Anita.

“I’m moving to Macau.” My heart collapsed and thumped like a drum. Every time I think about it, I weep. My soul mate gone forever, after all we’ve been through? It was impossible.

“You’re joking I know!” I asked hoping I was right… but who would lie about such a thing?

“My dad says that he misses us and wishes us to come so we can live together.” Thunder bolts coming out of her mouth.

WE had two more weeks until losing each other. We were at a sleepover and she told me one last secret. “I’m making a folder containing how we became best friends and of our life.” She said. OMG! I was doing the same thing! I was anxiously thinking if I should say or not. I decided not to. Just for a surprise. All of a sudden, it was D-DAY. As we both went to the airport, we held hands. Her Minnie mouse suitcase from her dad sent from Disneyland was next to her. It was that moment that I lifted my folder out of my bag and gave it to her. “Don’t read it until you get to Macau.” I said. Her face literally turned from a frown upside down. In the waiting area, we prayed together that everything would go well in Macau. It was too sudden. In half an hour, I saw the plane go past up into the clouds heading north. My tears began to trickle down like raindrops from a grey cloud. I will never forget her until we meet in Heaven. BFFs forever.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    July 2013

