Essay question: Describe how a main character changes in a novel you have studied this year.

Step One: Understand the question.
Circle the verb. Underline key words. Write synonyms for key words.

e.g changes - develops, is different, gets new ideas, opinions, grows up, matures, thinks differently, improves.

Rewrite the question into your own words. What is this essay question asking you to write about?

Step Two: Brainstorm your ideas
Write down all the ideas you can think of about Hamish. What he is like at the beginning, key events that happen that change him, what he is like at the end, what he learns, how he feels differently etc.

Step Three: Organise the order of the points you will make in your essay
Here is a suggested way to structure your essay:

Introduction: answer the essay question briefly.

Paragraph 1: Describe Hamish at the start of the novel

Paragraph 2: Explain how event influence Hamish during the novel. Explain how the event changes him/his thinking/ his ideas/ his opinions/ his actions/ behaviour.

Paragraph 3: Describe how Hamish has changed by the end of the novel. How is he different? What has he learned? How has he grown up? How might he be stronger in the future? What has he overcome? How would he think/feel differently?

Conclusion: Summarise Hamish’s development. Recap the points you have written about. 

Step four: Write a brief introduction which answers the essay question

In the novel Owl by Joanna Orwin a main character is Hamish. He changes a lot over the course of the novel. Some of the main ways he changes are; __________, ___________ and _______________ .

Step five: Write your first paragraph In the paragraph describe what the character is like at the beginning. Say more than just one thing. For each point give an example or a quote which shows this.

At the beginning of the novel Hamish . . . An examples of this is when . . . This example shows. . .

Also at the start of the book Hamish is . . . An example of this is when . . .  This example shows. . .

Step six: Write your second paragraph Write about what it is that causes Hamish to change, giving examples from the novel. Why does he change? What happens? How does he deal with what happens?

During the novel one significant thing that happens is . . . This causes Hamish to change because . . . This example shows . . .

Another significant thing that happens is . . . This causes Hamish to change because . . . This example shows . . .

Step seven: Write your third paragraph  Write one paragraph about what Hamish is like at the end. How is he different? How has he changes his thinking/ ideas/ outlook on life etc?

By the end of the novel Hamish . . . For example . . . This examples shows . . . Hamish is also . . . For example. . . This example shows. . .

Step eight: Write your conclusion  Write a brief conclusion which sums up how the character has changed and why. (Use the points from each paragraph).

In conclusion the main ways that Hamish changes in the novel Owl are . . .These changes happen because. . . The writer Joanna Orwin wants people to learn from Hamish that . . .
7/1/2015 03:20:33 pm

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